Zeitgleich mit der EU-Verordnung sind auch die britische „Online Safety Bill“ und ein US-Gesetz zur Sicherheit von Kindern im Netz auf dem Weg durch die Parlamente. Ein Vergleich zeigt erstaunliche inhaltliche wie methodische Parallelen.
Against the backdrop of more than a decade of austerity, high unemployment, and a pandemic of mental ill-health, Brassed Off serves to remind us of the importance of community in hard times. Set…
In this piece, from the great Stuart Hall and published in The Hard Road to Renewal, Hall attempts to expand these insights of Gramsci's to analyse the "regressive modernisation" of Thatcher.
the home of the Electroacoustic Music Studios in the Music Department at the University of Birmingham, and of BEAST–Birmingham ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre–the Department's large scale multichannel loudspeaker presentation system.
salford acoustics program homepage Acoustic engineering, broadcast engineering (mobile, TV, IPTV, film), music & sound technology, animation & web design is our passion. We are leaders in teaching and research in audio and acoustic engineering, video and television.
This collection of room impulse responses was measured in the Great Hall, the Octagon, and a classroom at the Mile End campus of Queen Mary, University of London in 2008. The measurements were created using the sine sweep technique with a Genelec 8250A loudspeaker and two microphones, an omnidirectional DPA 4006 and a B-format Soundfield SPS422B.