A game jam from 2017-07-14 to 2017-07-24 hosted by metc & Game Maker's Toolkit. Hi! It's officially time for the Game Maker's Toolkit Game Jam ! As a reminder, this is a 48-hour game jam . The event has been timed to start at
This book is a must-have for anyone serious about rendering in real time. With the announcement of new ray tracing APIs and hardware to support them, developers can easily create real-time application
This course is intended to introduce the algorithmic foundations of procedural modeling, texturing and animation techniques, and to offer hands-on experience designing and implementing “visual recipes” in original graphics projects by applying these methods. Students should have a strong interest in both the creative and technical aspects of computer graphics, as well as a solid programming background.
Nop Jiarathanakul online portfolio. I love making things, especially beautiful 3D applications. I like WebGL, shaders, three.js, typography, and indie rock. My background is in computer graphics, games, and animation.
My name is Daniel Holden. I'm a researcher at Ubisoft Montreal using Machine Learning for character animation and other applications. I'm also a Digital Artist and Writer. My interests are Computer Graphics, Game Development, Theory of Computation, and Programming Languages.
- twitter.com/MacSlow
- OpenSource and computer-graphics geek. I like/ride motorcycles too! Ex-Canonical/Ubuntu, CTO & co-founder of spot-on, currently at Heindenhain Numeric B.V.
Chaotica is a next-generation fractal art application, designed for both novices and professional artists.
Novice users can enjoy editing randomised fractals to produce stunning HD wallpapers and animations.
Professional users will particularly value the fast, modern rendering engine. High quality animations and huge images for print are easily produced, with real-time imaging controls that will dramatically accelerate your workflow.
Hi, I’m Greg, and for the last two years, I’ve been developing a 3d fractal exploration game, which started as just a “what if” experiment. I would describe myself as technical artist, meaning, I am…
We are partnering with Unreal Engine Marketplace creators to offer select content to the UE4 community for free to give artists, designers and programmers even more resources at no additional cost.
Yes, another attractor visualizer, but glChAoS.P allows you to explore interactively any attractor type, modifyng linearly the values and displaying the changes obtained, immediately, in 3D and in realtime.
Paged Out! is a new experimental (one article == one page) free magazine about programming (especially programming tricks!), hacking, security hacking, retro computers, modern computers, electronics, demoscene, and other similar topics.
My name is Ryan Alexander. This archive is a collection of audio visual forms which are made by hand, in code, or by camera, in virtual and physical form.
In this video we will take an in depth look at the fast inverse square root and see where the mysterious number 0x5f3759df comes from. This algorithm became famous after id Software open sourced the engine for Quake III. On the way we will also learn about floating point numbers and newton's method.
Spheres are nice and all, but there comes a time when more complex shapes are needed. One popular algorithm for testing collisions is the Gilbert–Johnson–Keerthi algorithm, or GJK for short. With it we can detect collisions between any two convex polygons.
Check out the full article: https://blog.winter.dev/2020/gjk-algorithm/
These are articles about the techniques I develop and lessons I learnt while toying or working with computer graphics. Most of it is self-taught and there's lots of reinventing the wheel (which I recommend) but also some innovative and new discoveries that often times are not documented anywhere else (and if any of this content becomes part of your paper or the center of your PhD thesis, I feel it'd be fair to mention this website).
This site contains many samples and prototypes that I have developed. All the code for the samples are available on bitbucket and people are free to do with it what they will. Ideally its best if you use the latest version of the Chrome browser, I tend to use the latest available APIs and features as I prototype and learn new subjects.
* 2D Prototypes
* 3D Fungi Prototypes
* SDF / Ray Marching Prototypes
* Three.js Prototypes
* 3D Shader Prototypes
* UI Web Components
* Misc
In this blog post we will cover some of the basics of the Barnes Hut algorithm. This is completely new to me, it is not an algorithm I’ve used/studied before (and I am by no means an astrophysicist). Nonetheless it has piqued my interest so I have decided to write about it. In this blog I will be talking about 2 dimensions unless otherwise stated, this just makes the resulting code run a little quicker and output easier to visualise. Modifying the 2d code to be 3d (or even higher dimension) requires only minor revisions.
An introduction to what a Mesh, Shader and Material is in Unity, how to set Shader Properties from C#, a brief look at Forward vs Deferred rendering and some information about Material instances and Batching. HLSL | Unity Shader Tutorials, @Cyanilux
The best free & open-source vector graphics software allows you to enjoy creativity & easily create quality images that are ideal for detailed illustrations.
CGLab (since 2016.09) focuses on conducting research on photorealistic rendering, which includes a variety of optimization techniques for ray tracing. The main applications of photorealistic rendering are CG movies, animations, 3D games and immersive technology (AR and VR).
CGLab (since 2016.09) focuses on conducting research on photorealistic rendering, which includes a variety of optimization techniques for ray tracing. The main applications of photorealistic rendering are CG movies, animations, 3D games and immersive technology (AR and VR).
Wave Function Collapse is a procedural generation algorithm which produces images by arranging a collection of tiles according to rules about which tiles may be adjacent to each other tile, and relatively how frequently each tile should appear. The algorithm maintains, for each pixel of the output image, a probability distribution of the tiles which may be placed there. It repeatedly chooses a pixel to “collapse” - choosing a tile to use for that pixel based on its distribution. WFC gets its name from quantum physics. The goal of this post is to build an intuition for how and why the WFC algorithm works.
A tutorial that teaches you everything it takes to render 3D graphics with the Vulkan API. It covers everything from Windows/Linux setup to rendering and debugging.