DSpace is an open-source digital archiving system designed by MIT Libraries and Hewlett Packard to capture, manage and share research in digital formats.
If a server goes down during a download, download programs can automatically switch to another mirror. Or segments can be downloaded from different places at the same time, automatically, which can make downloads much faster.
Share music, photos, and files with anyone, instantly...talk to IM/contacts from single list..talk and share with anyone, even if they don't have Qnext.
Store up to 5GB of any digital media! Store files larger than 1GB! Do bulk uploads; no need to do a file at a time. Create an online photo and video album. Create an online portfolio for viewing, but now downloading. Link back to your photos, auc
Pando is free personal P2P software that makes sending and receiving large files and folders a breeze. Need to email large attachments, IM a folder, or publish your downloadable videos to the Web? Meet Pando. Email files and folders up to 1GB! Use your