DSpace is an open-source digital archiving system designed by MIT Libraries and Hewlett Packard to capture, manage and share research in digital formats.
Profilactic is a digital lifestyle aggregator that makes it easy to keep up with all of the content you and your friends create online. Aggregate all your online profiles. Mash up all your created content. Aggregate your friends' content. Clip and archive
Instead of having to use multiple USB flash drives when one fills up, this colourful flash drive has a female connector on one end and male on the other. [But how long do these flexy links get, and who wants to carry around USB snakes? Worth considering,
digg - MOZY OFFERS 20 GB OF ONLINE BACKUP STORAGE FOR $39.95/YEAR. Or for less, buy 5 GB or 10 GB. Cheap. Way better than XDrive's 5 GB for $10 monthly. Requires bandwidth and idle computer time. For Windows XP only...for now.
"Using Flash as the engine, Goowy (a play on GUI, get it?) pretends to be a desktop OS. There's a little "dock" at the bottom (apps even bounce as they "launch"). There's a moderately decent little RSS app, pictured above. You have stickies, a calendar, e