Exhibition space of the Ontological Museum of the International Post-Dogmatist Group. The poetry on this site has been selected from 'CollagePoetry' postings.
Living with multiple claims to Truth, none 'proveable,' we choose our truths by 'what works,' aspiring to a democracy which supports coexistence of 'contradictory' truths, without resort to killing each other off, or appealing to a 'higher authority.' [av
[Web] surfing mimics a postmodern, deconstructionist perspective by undermining the authority of texts...no longer awed by received authority...in the form of text, graphics, music or code...[web surfers will use them] for their own purposes.
“All of our values are simulated,” he told The New York Times in 2005. “What is freedom? We have a choice between buying one car or buying another car? It’s a simulation of freedom.”
Jean Baudrillard was that rarity of a cultural philosopher, a thinker whose reflections, refusing to be simply culturally mimetic, actually became a complex sign of the social reality of the postmodern century.
Modern liberal societies have weak collective identities. Postmodern elites, especially in Europe, feel that they have evolved beyond identities defined by religion and nation. But if our societies cannot assert positive liberal values, they may be challe
Today, networked connection replaces abstraction. Information is less the product of discrete processing units than the outcome of the networked relations between them, links between people, between machines, and between machines and people. In network th