Several hundred lectures are now available in mp3 format at BC Recordings. This current selection is from our old catalog, and is of much lower audio quality than our new mp3 lecture collection.
Jot notes to yourself, and then create a URL, so you can retrieve the note, regardless of where you are. Share the URLs with your other selves, or with others.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Video Workshop, now online. * Dreamweaver CS3 Essential Training * Flash CS3 Essential Training * Illustrator CS3 Essential Training * InDesign CS3 Essential Training * Fireworks CS3 Essential Training
To create, test, and deploy a Web-based application or Web service rapidly, you need a proven relational database, a standards-compliant Web application server, and a flexible IDE. Ideally, all these software packages are production-tested, simple to obta
After completing this tutorial, you will understand how to store and retrieve XML data through PHP and a back end database. The applications and skills we'll cover in this specific example can be easily extrapolated into many other software development id
What's a "desktop?" What's an "operating system?" What are the real differences, if any, between online operating systems and local operating systems? Using "Google Notebook" (the webapp) as a "case study," the writer presents analyses leading to tenta
WYMeditor has been created to generate perfectly structured XHTML strict code, to conform to the W3C specifications and to facilitate further processing by modern applications. With WYMeditor, the code can't be contaminated by visual informations like