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    Knowledge sharing is fundamental to the new paradigm of development. In the new paradigm, countries lead their own development process by exploiting lessons learned in environments similar to theirs rather than struggling to adapt less-relevant solutions created in advanced economies. Knowledge-sharing practitioners within and across developing countries improve development outcomes by learning from each other about their successes, failures, and challenges. Such collaboration leads to better decisions and accelerates the development process. As detailed in the handbook Becoming a Knowledge-Sharing Organization, institutions require a strong enabling environment to carry out knowledge sharing—above all, leadership that encourages needed changes in culture, a supportive governance structure, and financing. Only then can organizations develop the technical skills needed for the disciplined practice of knowledge capture, learning, and sharing that must be integrated into an institution’s day-to-day operations. The World Bank and many other development organizations are including knowledge sharing in the capacity building components of their lending operations and advisory activities. In this way, development projects help embed knowledge-sharing attitudes and capabilities in the public sector institutions of developing countries as well as strengthen their ability to learn from other domestic and foreign organizations
    vor 8 Jahren von @djimenezsanchez
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