The article linked below was recently published by the International Journal of Educational Research Open. Title Learning Analytics: a Bibliometric Analysis of the Literature Over the Last Decade Authors Source International Journal of Educational Research Open Volumes 2–2, 2021, 100084 DOI: 10.
A new report by Jisc has been compiled to help universities, colleges and research institutes think about the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI), and to combat “unfairness” or “unexpected effects” for students and staff in education and research.
As the use of digital teaching and learning resources continues to expand, the volume and variety of data available to researchers presents new opportunities for understanding and improving STEM education.
In unserer Rubrik zum Wissenschaftsjahr 2019 beleuchten wir, wie sich Methoden und Anwendungen im Bildungsbereich manifestieren – sowohl in der Bildungsforschung und der Entwicklung von neuen Lehr-Lernszenarien, als auch im Bereich der Education Technologies und Learning Analytics.
This interdisciplinary journal aims to increase knowledge and understanding of ways in which learning analytics (LA) and artificial intelligence (AI) can support and enhance education.