Zoom interview with Stella Lee by Guy W. Wallace, recorded on July 12, 2022, regarding Stella's background, education, career history, and how she came to an HPT - Human Performance Technology/ Evidence-Based Practices approach in her L&D work.
21.06.2022 Im Projekt Knight erforscht die Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart den Einsatz von Learning Analytics und künstlicher Intelligenz in der Lehre. Untersucht wird, wie Lernprozesse automatisiert unterstützt werden können, KI in der Lehre verankert werden kann, aber auch wie die Lehrenden von administrativen Aufgaben entlastet werden können.
As part of our mini-series Podcast in AI in Education: Pedagogy first, senior AI specialist Tom Moule speaks with Scott Hayden from Basingstoke College of Technology about they are using AI to support personalised learning.
Commentary on Artificial intelligence in education: what issues do we need to start considering now? by Stephen Downes. Online learning, e-learning, new media, connectivism, MOOCs, personal learning environments, new literacy, and more
This episode is all about bias. Our hosts Maren Scheffel and Nia Dowel talk to Shamya Karumbaiah and Rene Kizilcec about bias in learning analytics and some of the work they are doing in that area.
Join Leah Macfadyen from the University of British Columbia, Isabel Hilliger from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Andrew Brackett from New York University for a insightful conversation on how learning analytics can support the "big picture" of improving educational degrees.
L'International Journal of Educational Research Open a publié une étude bibliométrique sur le Learning Analytics (LA), ou Analyse de l’apprentissage. L'étude, qui s'étend de 2010 à 2020, permet d'établir le développement croissant de cette discipline. Elle croise les méthodes quantitatives traditionnelles dans l'éducation avec l'utilisation de mégadonnées, comme dans les domaines de l'Intelligence artificielle.
The article linked below was recently published by the International Journal of Educational Research Open. Title Learning Analytics: a Bibliometric Analysis of the Literature Over the Last Decade Authors Source International Journal of Educational Research Open Volumes 2–2, 2021, 100084 DOI: 10.
A new report by Jisc has been compiled to help universities, colleges and research institutes think about the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI), and to combat “unfairness” or “unexpected effects” for students and staff in education and research.
How are analytics and machine learning transforming education now, and what is the potential for the future? Hear examples of education leaders who are using analytics & ML to understand student performance and develop new forms of teaching and support. Carnegie Mellon has developed SARA, a socially aware robot tutor, and Unizin and Ivy Tech are using analytics and ML to understand student performance and pilot interventions. Learn how Google is bringing ML to education and organizations.
Im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Metavorhabens „Digitalisierung im Bildungsbereich“ ist das Deutsche Institut für Erwachsenenbildung verantwortlich für die Gestaltung eines regelmäßigen Dialogs zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis der Erwachsenenbildung.
Das Projekt „Kontextbasierte und adaptive Maßnahmen für effektive Lernunterstützung in der Online-Weiterbildung“ – kurz KAMAELEON – des Mannheimer Wirtschaftspädagogikprofessors Dirk Ifenthaler zählt zu den Gewinnerprojekten des Innovationswettbewerbs INVITE.
As the use of digital teaching and learning resources continues to expand, the volume and variety of data available to researchers presents new opportunities for understanding and improving STEM education.
Prof Neil Selwyn, Professor of Maths Science & Technology, Monash University
Dr Luci Pangrazio, Research Fellow in Digital Literacies, Deakin University
In this episode, we discuss the rise of EdTech, its influence on education, and implications for learning analytics. This podcast is hosted by Yi-Shan Tsai in conversation with Allison Littlejohn (University College London)and Mike Sharkey (Arizona State University)
In Latin America (LATAM), socioeconomic inequality and lack of resources shape the context of educational institutions in particular ways. Programme quality and dropout rates preoccupy educationalists and governments.
AI holds enormous potential for transforming the way we teach, but first we need to define what kind of education system we want. Also, the head of the UK’s new Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation warns democratic governments that they urgently need an ethics and governance framework for emerging technologies.
In unserer Rubrik zum Wissenschaftsjahr 2019 beleuchten wir, wie sich Methoden und Anwendungen im Bildungsbereich manifestieren – sowohl in der Bildungsforschung und der Entwicklung von neuen Lehr-Lernszenarien, als auch im Bereich der Education Technologies und Learning Analytics.
This interdisciplinary journal aims to increase knowledge and understanding of ways in which learning analytics (LA) and artificial intelligence (AI) can support and enhance education.
This volume provides a contemporary glance at the drastically expanding field of delivering large-scale education to unprecedented numbers of learners. It compiles papers presented at the CELDA (Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age) conference.
By Simon Buckingham Shum on May 4th, 2019.
A heads-up that three collections will hit the streets this year focused on how we can design so that human needs and values are well and truly centre-stage in educational tools powered by data, analytics and AI.
Professor Mark Brown is Director of the National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL) based at Dublin City University (DCU) interviewed by LACE project's Maren Scheffel at EC-TEL conference in Toledo, Spain, September 2015
La analítica de aprendizaje resulta de la aplicación del big data a la formación y el desarrollo consiste en analizar los datos que deja tras de sí un estudiante en sus procesos de formación y aprendizaje y utilizar la información para mejorarlos