Recommender systems provide users with content they might be interested in. Conventionally, recommender systems are evaluated mostly by using prediction accuracy metrics only. But, the ultimate goal of a recommender system is to increase user satisfaction.
Learning and performance powered by data and analytics: a practical case study Trish Uhl, Senior Consultant, Data Science and Advanced Analytics, Owl’s Ledge LLC
Jeff Greene and Matt Bernacki are learning scientists in the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Education. They leverage the data that students create when they use digital resources to help them learn.
Students interacting with universities often leave behind a virtual footprint that is used to gauge how well the university has managed to help and prepare these students. Learning analytics is using this data to analyze, measure, collate data, and more about the progress made by both students and educators.
Here are the good reasons for you to get learning analytics in education or training, if you choose eLearning platform (LMS) for learning and development.
Timothy A. McKay is data scientist and professor of Physics, Astronomy, and Education at the University of Michigan. He joined UBC faculty, graduate students and staff on June 20, 2019, to deliver a keynote about his experiences at the University of Michigan.
Thousands of students and teachers across Wales will benefit from cutting-edge data analytics technology to improve student engagement, retention and performance as a result of a funding boost to be announced today by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and Jisc.