xAPI, or Experience API, or Tin Can API is one of the biggest developments in Learning and Development. Here's how it could impact personalised learning.
During last few years, possibilities to exploit learning analytics have gained attention in Finnish educational institutions. National development of learning analytics functionalities has emerged, but internationally focused conversation around the topic would enrich the national work.
How far can one go to give personalised learning and careers advice to further education (FE) learners? It is certainly a challenge, given the sheer breadth of the sector.
M. Tavakoli, A. Faraji, M. Molavi, S. Mol, и G. Kismihók. (2021)cite arxiv:2112.12100Comment: This paper has been accepted to be published in the 12th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK'2022), March 21--25, 2022. ACM.