WIKINDX is a free bibliographic and quotations/notes management and article authoring system designed either for single use (on a variety of operating sytems) or multi-user collaborative use across the internet.
Vis5d+ is intended as a central repository for enhanced versions and development work on Vis5d, a free OpenGL-based volumetric visualization program for scientific datasets in 3+ dimensions. This project started out, with the blessing of the original Vis5d developers, as a conversion of Vis5d's build process to use GNU autoconf and automake. (Inspired by the difficulty of getting Vis5d to compile on the author's LinuxPPC PowerBook.) It quickly became apparent that many other enhancements were possible, and were of wide interest to users. Moreover, a large number of enhanced versions to Vis5d exist that have not been merged into the original Vis5d sources, due to time and resource limitations of the original developers, or to differences of opinion about design directions
Asymptote is a powerful descriptive vector graphics language that provides a natural coordinate-based framework for technical drawing. Labels and equations are typeset with LaTeX, for high-quality PostScript output.