Huginn is a system for building agents that perform automated tasks for you online. They can read the web, watch for events, and take actions on your behalf. Huginn's Agents create and consume events, propagating them along a directed graph. Think of it as a hackable Yahoo! Pipes plus IFTTT on your own server. You always know who has your data. You do.
DocumentCloud runs every document you upload through Thomson Reuters OpenCalais, giving you access to extensive information about the people, places and organizations mentioned in each.
Now you can annotate anything, anywhere on the web, by signing up and installing our bookmarklet!
Annotate any webpage with the bookmarklet
Add the Annotator to your own site in just two lines of code
Jason and Paul discuss writing, note-taking, tagging, and outlining with Tree, Scrivener, Gitit, Evernote, FoldingText, Mendeley, Zotero, Editorial, Markdown, Copy, LaTeX, Pandoc, MacVim, TextMate, BibTeX, and DEVONthink.
Mendeley is a platform that allows scholars from all over the world to collaborate, and opens up science for everyone. Join our API community to build tools to make researchers' lives easier.
Pure aggregates your organization's research information from numerous internal and external sources, and ensures the data that drives your strategic decisions is trusted, comprehensive and accessible in real time. A highly versatile centralized system, Pure enables your organization to build reports, carry out performance assessments, manage researcher profiles, enable research networking and expertise discovery and more, all while reducing administrative burden for researchers, faculty and staff..
R. Dogan, and Z. Lu. Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing, page 91--99. Stroudsburg, PA, USA, Association for Computational Linguistics, (2012)