Schleswig-Holstein will in Verwaltung und Schulen auf Open Source umsteigen. Minister Jan Philipp Albrecht erklärt im c’t-Interview, wie das gelingen soll.
The LibreOffice project was announced with great fanfare in September 2010. Nearly one year later, the project (from which LibreOffice was forked) was cut loose from Oracle and found a new home as an Apache project. It is fair to say that the rivalry between the two projects in the time since then has been strong. Predictions that one project or the other would fail have not been borne out, but that does not mean that the two projects are equally successful. A look at the two projects' development communities reveals some interesting differences.
As a Free Software user, I obviously frown upon Microsoft Office file formats. Primarily because they claim to be open standards, when in practice Microsoft doesn’t implement their own specification appropriately.
Der ehemalige Debian-Projektleiter Bruce Perens stellt ein Konzept zur Duallizenzierung von Software vor. Demnach soll Code von freien Entwicklern nie ausschließlich proprietär verwendet werden