K. Juuti, and J. Lavonen. NorDiNa, (2006)Construction of research based teaching sequences through Developmental research (Linsje, 1995), Educational reconstruction (Duit, Komorek & Wilbers, 1997), or Ingenierie Didactique (Artigue, 1994), can be considered very similar with design-based research. On the one hand, these approaches take into careful consideration students’ previous knowledge and emphasise basic scientific concepts and how they are related to the teaching sequence (Méhuet, 2004) and on another hand they aim to design the artefacts. For example, Andersson and Bach (2005) produced a teacher guide as an artefact describing the research-based sequence for teaching geometrical optics. However, these approaches focus on research-based design and the adoption of the innovations needs, for example, teachers’ in-service training.
(p 56).
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801 - 830(2003)From Computer Artefact to Instrument for Mediated Activity .Part 2 Learning Environments.
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F. Arzarello. the 24th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME), 1, page 23--38. Hiroshima, Japan, (2000)