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Modeling and Control of Casterboard Robot., , , and . NOLCOS, page 785-790. International Federation of Automatic Control, (2013)Weak DC Motors Generate Earthworm Locomotion Without a Brain., , and . Living Machines, volume 10928 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 304-315. Springer, (2018)Control of Snake-like Robot based on Nonlinear Controllability Analysis., , , and . CCA, page 1134-1139. IEEE, (2010)Modeling and control of cylindrical mobile robot., , and . IROS, page 5321-5326. IEEE, (2012)The surface walker: a hemispherical mobile robot with rolling contact constraints., , , and . IROS, page 2446-2451. IEEE, (2009)Volvot : A spherical mobile robot with eccentric twin rotors., , and . ROBIO, page 1462-1467. IEEE, (2011)Hidden Markov Models and Iterative Aligners: Study of Their Equivalence and Possibilities., , , and . ISMB, page 395-401. AAAI, (1993)A Multi-Level Description Scheme of Protein Conformation., , , and . ISMB, page 301-309. AAAI, (1993)Human-Error Prevention for Autonomous Edge Software Using Minimalistic Modern C++., and . Big Data Cogn. Comput., 3 (4): 52 (2019)Finite-time control of cross-chained nonholomic systems by switched state feedback., and . CDC, page 304-309. IEEE, (2008)