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Co-Designing Nudges for Self Directed Learning within GOAL System., , , and . ICALT, page 86-88. IEEE, (2023)A Reinforcement Learning Method for Solving the Production Scheduling Problem of Silicon Electrodes., , , , and . ICIC (1), volume 14086 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 410-421. Springer, (2023)Stain-adaptive self-supervised learning for histopathology image analysis., , , , , , and . Pattern Recognit., (2025)Learning at a Cafe and Learning at a Lab: Integrating Learning Logs with Smart Eyewear and Environmental Sensor Data., , , , , , , and . ICALT, page 95-97. IEEE, (2022)High performance thread-based CE-EC system with variable volume injection capability and 3D detection electrodes., , and . NEMS, page 494-497. IEEE, (2014)Misfire Detection on Internal Combustion Engine Based on Fluctuation of Exhaust Gas Temperature., , , , , and . ICPHM, page 1-6. IEEE, (2018)Detecting thoracic diseases via representation learning with adaptive sampling., , , , , , and . Neurocomputing, (2020)Q-learning based hyper-heuristic with clustering strategy for combinatorial optimization: A case study on permutation flow-shop scheduling problem., , , , and . Comput. Oper. Res., (2025)The SLAM Hive Benchmarking Suite., , , and . ICRA, page 11257-11263. IEEE, (2023)An interpretable artificial intelligence model based on CT for prognosis of intracerebral hemorrhage: a multicenter study., , , , , , and . BMC Medical Imaging, 24 (1): 170 (December 2024)