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Persistent Homological Sparse Network Approach to Detecting White Matter Abnormality in Maltreated Children: MRI and DTI Multimodal Study., , , , , , и . MICCAI (1), том 8149 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 300-307. Springer, (2013)Choice strategies in a changing social learning environment., , , , и . CogSci,, (2020)Developmental Changes in Children's Categorization of Facial Cues of Emotion., , и . CogSci,, (2020)Topological Distances Between Brain Networks., , , , и . CNI@MICCAI, том 10511 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 161-170. Springer, (2017)Structural connectivity via the tensor-based morphometry., , , , , , и . ISBI, стр. 808-811. IEEE, (2011)Acquiring Complex Communicative Systems: Statistical Learning of Language and Emotion., , и . Top. Cogn. Sci., 14 (3): 432-450 (2022)Model gender influences emotion categorization., , и . CogSci,, (2020)Unsupervised Learning Shapes Emotion Categories., , и . CogSci,, (2018)Amygdala Surface Modeling with Weighted Spherical Harmonics., , , , , и . MIAR, том 5128 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 177-184. Springer, (2008)Agreement between the white matter connectivity based on the tensor-based morphometry and the volumetric white matter parcellations based on diffusion tensor imaging., , , , , , , и . ISBI, стр. 42-45. IEEE, (2012)