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CAptEvo: Context-Aware Adaptation and Evolution of Business Processes., , , and . ICSOC Workshops, volume 7221 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 252-254. Springer, (2011)Automated synthesis of executable web service compositions from BPEL4WS processes., , , and . WWW (Special interest tracks and posters), page 1186-1187. ACM, (2005)Calibration of game dynamics for a more even multi-player experience., , , and . IUI, page 443-453. ACM, (2020)Generating Personalized Challenges to Enhance the Persuasive Power of Gamification., , and . PPT@PERSUASIVE, volume 1833 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 70-83., (2017)Player Types and Player Behaviors: Analyzing Correlations in an On-the-field Gamified System., and . CHI PLAY (Companion), page 531-538. ACM, (2018)A fuzzy approach for ranking adaptation strategies in CLAM., , , and . SOCA, page 1-4. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Specifying Data-Flow Requirements for the Automated Composition of Web Services., , and . SEFM, page 147-156. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Digital Twins of Socio-Technical Ecosystems to Drive Societal Change., , , , , and . MoDELS (Companion), page 275-286. ACM, (2024)Engaging youth in gender-based violence education through gamification: A user experience evaluation of different game modalities., , , , , and . Entertain. Comput., (2025)From Sustainable Mobility to Good Deeds: Supporting School Participation during COVID-19 Emergency through a Playful Education Platform., , , , and . IDC, page 80-86. ACM, (2021)