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From Sustainable Mobility to Good Deeds: Supporting School Participation during COVID-19 Emergency through a Playful Education Platform.

, , , , and . IDC, page 80-86. ACM, (2021)

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Teaching and Recognition of Skills in the Digital Era Through OER-Based Personalized and Gamified Learning: The ENCORE Project., , , , , , , , and . EDUCON, page 1-10. IEEE, (2024)An AI-Driven Approach for Enhancing Engagement and Conceptual Understanding in Physics Education., , , , and . EDUCON, page 1-3. IEEE, (2024)Formative evaluation of a constrained composition approach for storytelling., , , , and . NordiCHI, page 987-990. ACM, (2014)Evaluating an automated mediator for joint narratives in a conflict situation., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). Behav. Inf. Technol., 39 (9): 1022-1037 (2020)Interactive Digital Storytelling and Self-expression in the Context of Young Male Migrants., , and . ICIDS, volume 11318 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 621-626. Springer, (2018)Sharing the Office, Sharing the Care?: Designing for Digitally-mediated Collaborative Childcare in the Workplace., , and . C&T, page 239-249. ACM, (2019)The Effect of Emojis when interacting with Conversational Interface Assisted Health Coaching System., , , and . PervasiveHealth, page 378-383. ACM, (2018)Trade-offs in the Design of Multimodal Interaction for Older Adults., , , and . CoPDA@AVI, volume 2101 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 15-20., (2018)Exploring the world through small green steps: improving sustainable school transportation with a game-based learning interface., , , , and . AVI, page 24:1-24:9. ACM, (2018)Gary: combining speech synthesis and eye tracking to support struggling readers., , , and . MUM, page 417-421. ACM, (2015)