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Granular Computing on Extensional Functional Dependencies for Information System., и . Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, том 3066 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 186-191. Springer, (2004)An adjustable algorithm for color quantization., , и . Pattern Recognit. Lett., 25 (16): 1787-1797 (2004)Gender and age differences in mind perception of robots., и . GCCE, стр. 748-751. IEEE, (2022)A parallel hierarchical clustering algorithm for PCs cluster system., , и . Neurocomputing, 70 (4-6): 809-818 (2007)A New Markov Model For Web Access Prediction, и . Computing in Science and Engineering, 4 (6): 34--39 (ноября 2002)Walking Condition Estimation Using Physical Reservoir Computing with External Echo State Network., , , и . BioRob, стр. 425-431. IEEE, (2024)Missing nominal data imputation using association rule based on weighted voting method., , и . IJCNN, стр. 1157-1162. IEEE, (2008)Size Does Matter: An Experimental Study of Anxiety in Virtual Reality., , , и . VRST, стр. 73:1-73:2. ACM, (2022)Optimization of Sizing and Battery Cycle Life in Battery/Ultracapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Electric Vehicle Applications., , и . IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, 10 (4): 2112-2121 (2014)Multi-scale representation attention based deep multiple instance learning for gigapixel whole slide image analysis., , , , , и . Medical Image Anal., (октября 2023)