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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Trustworthy evidence gathering mechanism for multilayer cloud compliance., , und . ICITST, Seite 529-530. IEEE, (2013)Towards flexible and secure end-to-end communication in industry 4.0., , , , , und . INDIN, Seite 883-888. IEEE, (2017)Towards trustworthy end-to-end communication in industry 4.0., , , , , , , , und . INDIN, Seite 889-896. IEEE, (2017)Autonomous CPS Mobility Securely Designed., , , und . WOWMOM, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2019)Artificial Intelligence for Safety-Critical Systems in Industrial and Transportation Domains: A Survey., , , , , , , , , und . ACM Comput. Surv., 56 (7): 176:1-176:40 (Juli 2024)Tectons: Towards a Generalised Approach to Programming Systems of Systems., , und . ERCIM News, (2015)Covering Ethics in Cyber-Physical Systems Design., , und . ERCIM News, (2020)Digital Cities, Digital Tourism, Digital Arts ? A Research Agenda., , , und . ERCIM News, 2021 (126): 0 (2021)Towards a Security-Aware Benchmarking Framework for Function-as-a-Service., , und . CoRR, (2019)Security standards taxonomy for Cloud applications in Critical Infrastructure IT., , und . ICITST, Seite 645-646. IEEE, (2013)