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Securing cryptographic key with fuzzy vault based on a new chaff generation method., и . HPCS, стр. 259-265. IEEE, (2010)A Network-on-Chip simulation framework for homogeneous Multi-Processor System-on-Chip., , , и . ASICON, стр. 175-179. IEEE, (2011)Accelerating the AES encryption function in OpenSSL for embedded systems., , и . Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol., 2 (1/2): 83-93 (2009)Implementation of Recurrent Neural Network Algorithm for Shortest Path Calculation in Network Routing., , и . ISPAN, стр. 355-360. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)An optimization algorithm for simultaneous routing and buffer insertion with delay-power constraints in VLSI layout design., , и . ISQED, стр. 357-364. IEEE, (2014)Optimization of structure and system latency in evolvable block-based neural networks using genetic algorithm., , , и . Neurocomputing, (2014)OpenCL-based hardware-software co-design methodology for image processing implementation on heterogeneous FPGA platform., , и . ICCSCE, стр. 36-41. IEEE, (2015)GA-based parameter tuning in finger-vein biometric embedded systems for information security., , и . ICCC, стр. 236-241. IEEE, (2012)FPGA-based quantum circuit emulation: A case study on Quantum Fourier transform., , и . ISIC, стр. 512-515. IEEE, (2014)Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Onset Prediction Using Heart Rate Variability Analysis and Genetic Algorithm for Optimization., , и . DaEng, том 520 из Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, стр. 609-617. Springer, (2015)