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Corporate governance and shareholder initiatives: Empirical evidence, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 42 (3): 365--395 (ноября 1996)Poison pill securities : Stockholder wealth, profitability, and ownership structure, и . Journal of Financial Economics, (1988)Partially anticipated events: A model of stock price reactions with an application to corporate acquisitions, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 14 (2): 237--250 (июня 1985)Earnings management, stock issues, and shareholder lawsuits, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 71 (1): 27--49 (января 2004)The wealth effect of merger activity and the objective functions of merging firms. Journal of Financial Economics, 11 (1-4): 155--181 (апреля 1983)Managerial succession and firm performance, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 74 (2): 237--275 (ноября 2004)The wealth effects of second-generation state takeover legislation, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 25 (2): 291--322 (декабря 1989)