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Other publications of authors with the same name

Plan Execution in Dynamic Environments., , and . IEA/AIE, volume 3533 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 208-217. Springer, (2005)Bytecode Testability Transformation., and . SSBSE, volume 6956 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 237-251. Springer, (2011)Guest editorial: Search-based software engineering., and . Empir. Softw. Eng., 19 (5): 1421-1422 (2014)Special section on Mutation testing (Mutation 2010)., , and . Sci. Comput. Program., 78 (4): 343-344 (2013)Generating Timed UI Tests from Counterexamples., , , and . TAP@STAF, volume 12740 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 53-71. Springer, (2021)Exploring Android Apps Using Motif Actions., and . ASEW, page 135-142. IEEE, (2023)Verified from Scratch: Program Analysis for Learners' Programs., , and . ASE, page 150-162. IEEE, (2020)Property Relevant Software Testing with Model-Checkers, and . SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes, 31 (6): 1--10 (2006)Common Bugs in Scratch Programs., , , , and . ITiCSE, page 89-95. ACM, (2020)Improving Scratch Programming with CRC-Card Design., , , , , and . WiPSCE, page 19:1-19:4. ACM, (2019)