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Other publications of authors with the same name

Exploring Programming Task Creation of Primary School Teachers in Training., , and . ITiCSE (1), page 471-477. ACM, (2023)Hint Cards for Common Ozobot Robot Issues: Supporting Feedback for Learning Programming in Elementary Schools., , and . SIGCSE (1), page 408-414. ACM, (2024)Motivation, Fachinteresse und Schulleistung in Informatik., and . INFOS, volume P-313 of LNI, page 113-122. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, (2021)A Block-Based Testing Framework for Scratch., , , , and . Koli Calling, page 1:1-1:12. ACM, (2024)A curriculum of computational thinking as a central idea of information & media literacy., and . WiPSCE, page 20:1-20:6. ACM, (2018)"Help Me Solve It" or "Solve It For Me": Effects of Feedback on Children Building and Programming Robots., , , and . SIGCSE (1), page 401-407. ACM, (2024)Effects of Hints on Debugging Scratch Programs: An Empirical Study with Primary School Teachers in Training., , , , and . WiPSCE, page 3:1-3:10. ACM, (2021)Guiding Next-Step Hint Generation Using Automated Tests., , and . ITiCSE (1), page 220-226. ACM, (2021)Informatik Bayern~10 -- Gymnasium, , , , , and . Duden Paetec/C.\,C.\,Buchner, 1.~Aufl. edition, (2008)ScratchLog: Live Learning Analytics for Scratch., , , and . ITiCSE (1), page 403-409. ACM, (2023)