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Other publications of authors with the same name

Effects of Automated Feedback in Scratch Programming Tutorials., , and . ITiCSE (1), page 396-402. ACM, (2023)A Block-Based Testing Framework for Scratch., , , , and . Koli Calling, page 1:1-1:12. ACM, (2024)LitterBox: A Linter for Scratch Programs., , , , and . ICSE (SEET), page 183-188. IEEE, (2021)Common Bugs in Scratch Programs., , , , and . ITiCSE, page 89-95. ACM, (2020)Introducing Block-Based Testing in Scratch., , , , and . Koli Calling, page 28:1-28:2. ACM, (2024)CATNIP: An Automated Hint Generation Tool for Scratch., , and . ITiCSE (1), page 124-130. ACM, (2022)Automatisiertes Feedback für block-basierte Programmiersprachen., , , and . INFOS, volume P-336 of LNI, page 309-318. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, (2023)Effects of Hints on Debugging Scratch Programs: An Empirical Study with Primary School Teachers in Training., , , , and . WiPSCE, page 3:1-3:10. ACM, (2021)Guiding Next-Step Hint Generation Using Automated Tests., , and . ITiCSE (1), page 220-226. ACM, (2021)Acknowledging Good Java Code with Code Perfumes., , and . CSEE&T, page 1-10. IEEE, (2024)