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Coupling Social Network Services and Support for Online Communities in Codes Environment., , , and . ISMIR, page 535-540. (2013)Testing the Use of Egocentric Interactive Techniques in Immersive Virtual Environments., , , and . INTERACT, IOS Press, (2003)Institutional Websites Personalization Using Macro and Micro User Profiles., and . I3E, volume 139 of IFIP, page 239-250. Kluwer/Springer, (2003)m-AdaptWeb®: An Adaptive e-Learning Environment Facing Mobility - Adaptation and Recomendation Processes based on Context., , , , , and . CSEDU (2), page 395-400. SciTePress, (2012)Interfaces for musical activities and interfaces for musicians are not the same: the case for codes, a web-based environment for cooperative music prototyping., , , , and . ICMI, page 201-207. ACM, (2007)Using the Web-Based Cooperative Music Prototyping Environment CODES in Learning Situations., , , and . Intelligent Tutoring Systems, volume 3220 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 833-835. Springer, (2004)Canonicus: Um modelo para portabilidade de programas interativos., and . SBES, page 119-133. SBC, (1991)Towards a UML Profile for Model-Driven Object-Relational Mapping., , and . SBES, page 94-103. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Towards a Framework for Self-adaptive Systems Conceptual Modeling., , , , , , , and . SBSI, page 325-331. ACM, (2023)Inclusive Games: A Multimodal Experience for Blind Players., , and . SBGames, page 164-172. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)