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A Generalized SBBP/G/1 Queue and its Applications., , , и . Perform. Evaluation, 21 (1-2): 163-181 (1994)On appropriate intervals for active measurement of packet transmission delays., , и . ITC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2009)Performance Analysis of Server Operation with Block Hiring Policy in Cloud Services., и . QTNA, стр. 18. ACM, (2016)A MAP-Based Performance Analysis on an Energy-Saving Mechanism in Cloud Computing., , , и . QTNA, том 11688 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 369-378. Springer, (2019)Performance analysis of data block synchronization mechanism in coolstreaming., , , и . QTNA, стр. 53-58. ACM, (2010)User-search time analysis for hierarchical peer-to-peer overlay networks with time-dependent user-population process., , , и . QTNA, стр. 5:1-5:4. ACM, (2009)Effect of pioglitazone on carotid intima-media thickness and arterial stiffness in type 2 diabetic nephropathy patients., , , , , , и . Metabolism: clinical and experimental, (xx 10 2004)Object name search based on user's description in extraction and validation approach., , , и . IUCS, стр. 350-354. IEEE, (2010)Development of a Usability Evaluation Method Based on Finger Movement., , и . HCI (28), том 373 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 144-148. Springer, (2013)Improvement in the Translation Process from Natural Language to System Dynamics Models.. CIAO! / EOMAS, том 10 из Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, стр. 152-163. Springer, (2008)