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Understanding interactive debugging with Swarm Debug Infrastructure., , , , , and . ICPC, page 1-4. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)A systematic literature review on the usage of eye-tracking in software engineering., , and . Inf. Softw. Technol., (2015)On the effect of program exploration on maintenance tasks., , , , and . WCRE, page 391-400. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Noise in Mylyn interaction traces and its impact on developers and recommendation systems., , , and . Empirical Software Engineering, 23 (2): 645-692 (2018)Context and Vision: Studying Two Factors Impacting Program Comprehension.. ICPC, page 258-261. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Professional status and expertise for UML class diagram comprehension: An empirical study., , , , , and . ICPC, page 163-172. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Noises in Interaction Traces Data and Their Impact on Previous Research Studies., , , , , and . ESEM, page 1-10. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Women and men - Different but equal: On the impact of identifier style on source code reading., , , and . ICPC, page 27-36. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Towards Understanding Interactive Debugging., , , , , and . QRS, page 152-163. IEEE, (2016)Towards understanding how developers spend their effort during maintenance activities., , , and . WCRE, page 152-161. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)