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Factors impacting rapid releases: an industrial case study., and . ESEM, page 61:1-61:8. ACM, (2014)Experience Report: An Empirical Study of API Failures in OpenStack Cloud Environments., , and . ISSRE, page 424-434. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)1st international workshop on release engineering (RELENG 2013)., , , and . ICSE, page 1545-1546. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Automatic summarization of API reviews., and . ASE, page 159-170. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Numerical Signatures of Antipatterns: An Approach Based on B-Splines., , , and . CSMR, page 248-251. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Do Design Patterns Impact Software Quality Positively?, and . CSMR, page 274-278. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Optimizing User Experience in Choosing Android Applications., , , , and . SANER, page 438-448. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Understanding interactive debugging with Swarm Debug Infrastructure., , , , , and . ICPC, page 1-4. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Broadcast vs. Unicast Review Technology: Does It Matter?, , and . ICST, page 219-229. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Recommending when Design Technical Debt Should be Self-Admitted., , , , and . ICSME, page 216-226. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)