Author of the publication

User-centered Computer Science - High-ceiling and Low-floor Approaches to Programming Languages and Algorithms.

. CSEDU (1), page 340-348. SciTePress, (2011)

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User-centered Computer Science - High-ceiling and Low-floor Approaches to Programming Languages and Algorithms.. CSEDU (1), page 340-348. SciTePress, (2011)Information Visualization Techniques for Motion Impaired People., , and . HEALTHINF, page 361-366. INSTICC Press, (2010)Are Educators Ready for Coding? - From Students Back to Teacher: Introducing the Class to Coding the Other Way Round., , , and . CSEDU (1), page 494-500. SciTePress, (2015)Environmental Evaluation of a Rehabilitation Aid Interaction under the Framework of the Ideal Model of Assistive Technology Assessment Process., , and . HCI (1), volume 8004 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 203-210. Springer, (2013)How to Make the User Experience Positive and Effective for the Person with a Disability Using Assistive Technology., and . HCI (37), volume 1580 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 597-602. Springer, (2022)Beyond a Visuocentric Way of a Visual Web Search Clustering Engine: The Sonification of WhatsOnWeb., , , and . ICCHP (1), volume 6179 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 351-357. Springer, (2010)A dynamic approach to paradigm-driven analogy., , and . Learning for Natural Language Processing, volume 1040 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 385-398. Springer, (1995)On the dimensionality of the System Usability Scale: a test of alternative measurement models., , and . Cogn. Process., 10 (3): 193-197 (2009)Preliminary Results of a Systematic Review: Quality Assessment of Conversational Agents (Chatbots) for People with Disabilities or Special Needs., , , , , , , , and . ICCHP (1), volume 12376 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 250-257. Springer, (2020)"Derivational" Paradigms In Morphonology., and . COLING, page 234-242. (1994)