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Controlling the Perceived Vibrational Frequency and Amplitude of a Voice-Coil-Type Tactor.

, , , , and . HAPTICS, page 7. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)

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Effective Vibrotactile Cueing in a Visual Search Task., , , and . INTERACT, IOS Press, (2003)Investigating a Physical Dial as a Measurement Tool for Cybersickness in Virtual Reality., , , and . VRST, page 32:1-32:5. ACM, (2019)GeoBoids: mobile AR for exergaming., and . CHINZ, page 100. ACM, (2012)What Level of Tutor Interaction is Best?, , and . AIED, volume 158 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, page 222-229. IOS Press, (2007)Towards full-body haptic feedback: the design and deployment of a spatialized vibrotactile feedback system., , , and . VRST, page 146-149. ACM, (2004)Head-movement evaluation for first-person games., , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 4399-4404. ACM, (2009)Effects of Manipulating Physiological Feedback in Immersive Virtual Environments., , , and . CHI PLAY, page 101-111. ACM, (2018)Let your fingers do the walking: A unified approach for efficient short-, medium-, and long-distance travel in VR., , and . 3DUI, page 27-30. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Improving virtual reality safety precautions with depth sensing., , , and . OZCHI, page 528-531. ACM, (2018)Controller Design for a Wearable, Near-Field Haptic Display., and . HAPTICS, page 397-403. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)