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Multi-Sensory Urban Search-and-Rescue Robotics: Improving the Operator's Omni-Directional Perception.

, and . Front. Robotics and AI, (2014)

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Multi-Sensory Urban Search-and-Rescue Robotics: Improving the Operator's Omni-Directional Perception., and . Front. Robotics and AI, (2014)FeetBack: Augmenting Robotic Telepresence with Haptic Feedback on the Feet., , , , , , , , and . ICMI, page 194-203. ACM, (2020)Floor-vibration VR: Mitigating Cybersickness Using Whole-body Tactile Stimuli in Highly Realistic Vehicle Driving Experiences., , , , and . IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 27 (5): 2669-2680 (2021)Immersive competence and immersive literacy: Exploring how users learn about immersive experiences., , , , , , , and . Frontiers Virtual Real., (March 2023)Filtering Mechanisms of Shared Social Surrounding Environments in AR., , , and . ISMAR Adjunct, page 17-19. IEEE, (2019)Exploring Virtual Reality (VR) to Foster Attention in Math Practice - Comparing a VR to a Non-VR Game., , , , and . HCI (37), volume 14047 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 3-16. Springer, (2023)The effect of vibration and low-frequency audio on full-body haptic sensations., , and . VRST, page 194. ACM, (2015)Exploring the Use of a Robust Depth-sensor-based Avatar Control System and its Effects on Communication Behaviors., , , , and . VRST, page 11:1-11:9. ACM, (2019)Exploring the design space for multi-sensory heart rate feedback in immersive virtual reality., , , and . OZCHI, page 108-116. ACM, (2017)Haptic ChairIO: A system to study the effect of wind and floor vibration feedback on spatial orientation in VEs., , , and . 3DUI, page 149-150. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)