Autor der Publikation

Learning of Art Style Using AI and Its Evaluation Based on Psychological Experiments.

, , , , und . ICEC, Volume 12523 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 308-316. Springer, (2020)

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Investigation of the Relationship between Artworks and Real Objects Using AI and Psychological Experiments., , , und . ArtsIT, Volume 479 von Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Seite 298-312. Springer, (2022)Reflected Light vs. Transmitted Light: Do They Give Different Impressions to Users?, , , , und . HCI (43), Volume 1832 von Communications in Computer and Information Science, Seite 391-399. Springer, (2023)Analysis of Community Development using Chat Logs: A Virtual Support Group of Cancer Patients., , und . ISUC, Seite 451-454. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)The effect of ceiling height on the symbolic distance effect., , , , , , , und . CogSci,, (2014)The effects of exposure sequence and duration on mere exposure effect., , und . CogSci,, (2012)Psychological Evaluation for Images/Videos Displayed Using Large LED Display and Projector., , , und . ICEC, Volume 12523 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 382-390. Springer, (2020)Motion-related brain activity enhanced by motion representation during metaphor understanding., , , , , und . CogSci,, (2012)Student perspectives on critical and other thinking skills: Some cultural similarities and differences., , , , und . CogSci,, (2012)Do Culture Related Factors Influence Students' Critical Thinking Use?, , , , und . CogSci,, (2011)Conceptual Combination versus Critical Combination: Devising Creative Solutions using the Sequential Application of Crowds., , und . CogSci,, (2011)