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Linguistic processing using a dependency structure grammar for speech recognition and understanding., и . COLING, стр. 402-407. John von Neumann Society for Computing Sciences, Budapest, (1988)Language modeling by stochastic dependency grammar for Japanese speech recognition., , , и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 246-249. ISCA, (2000)Speech recognition in the question-answering system operated by conversational speech., , и . ICASSP, стр. 442-445. IEEE, (1976)Language modeling by stochastic dependency grammar for Japanese speech recognition., , , и . Syst. Comput. Jpn., 32 (12): 10-15 (2001)Language modeling by string pattern n-gram for Japanese speech recognition., и . ICSLP, стр. 490-493. ISCA, (1996)Improvement of Speaker Vector-Based Speaker Verification., , , и . IAS, стр. 721-724. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Word spotting system based on stochastic models of phonemic segments., и . Syst. Comput. Jpn., 22 (9): 82-93 (1991)Spoken word recognition using the restricted number of learning samples., и . ICASSP, стр. 229-232. IEEE, (1976)Lip-reading of Japanese vowels using neural networks., и . ICSLP, стр. 1373-1376. ISCA, (1990)Word spotting method taking account of duration change characteristics for stable and transient parts of speech., и . ICASSP, стр. 2307-2310. IEEE, (1986)