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Exploiting Citation Contexts for Physics Retrieval., and . BIR@ECIR, volume 1344 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 14-21., (2015)Comprehensive Information System for Management of Personalized Protective Thermally Active Clothing., , , , , and . MIXDES, page 274-279. IEEE, (2021)Agile Software Development: A Case for Adequate Decision Support Tools., , , , and . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2011)Evaluation Methodology of a Smart Clothing Biomechanical Energy Harvesting System for Mountain Rescuers., , , and . Sensors, 21 (3): 905 (2021)Experimental Verification of the Required Power for Electrically Heated Clothing., , , , and . MIXDES, page 192-195. IEEE, (2022)Simulation of a hydraulic pump application for monitoring and diagnosis methods., , , , and . CASE, page 341-345. IEEE, (2011)Post-production assistant: creative film making meets semantic web., and . IJIDS, 5 (3): 245-262 (2013)Mixed Reality for health and safety monitoring., , , , , , , , and . IST, page 1-6. IEEE, (2023)Variable-Fidelity Simulation Models and Sparse Gradient Updates for Cost-Efficient Optimization of Compact Antenna Input Characteristics., and . Sensors, 19 (8): 1806 (2019)Efficient Uncertainty Quantification Using Sequential Sampling-Based Neural Networks., , , and . ICCS (3), volume 14075 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 536-547. Springer, (2023)