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Craftopolis: blending tangible, informal construction into virtual multiuser communities., , and . IDC, page 242-245. ACM, (2010)Helping Users Think in Three Dimensions: Steps Toward Incorporating Spatial Cognition in User Modelling., , and . IUI, page 113-120. ACM, (1997)Computer-Assisted Engineering for Children: a Pop-Up Design Application., and . ICLS, International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2004)Bits and Pieces: Potential Future Scenarios for Children's Mobile Technology., , and . IJMHCI, 2 (2): 37-52 (2010)The LilyPad Arduino: using computational textiles to investigate engagement, aesthetics, and diversity in computer science education., , , and . CHI, page 423-432. ACM, (2008)Programmable design environments: integrating end-user programming with domain-oriented assistance., and . CHI, page 431-437. ACM, (1994)As we may print: new directions in output devices and computational crafts for children., , , , , , , and . IDC, page 31-39. ACM, (2003)Tangible ideas for children: materials sciences as the future of educational technology.. IDC, page 19-26. ACM, (2004)You're It! Body, Action, and Object in STEM Learning., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). ICLS, International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2012)Scheming textiles: End-user programming for wearables., and . ISWC, page 111-112. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)