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Social Network Analysis of an Acoustic Environment: The Use of Visualised Data to Characterise Natural Habitats., , , , и . DICTA, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2019)Visualisations elicit knowledge to refine citizen science technology design: spectrograms resonate with birders., , , и . OZCHI, стр. 133-144. ACM, (2018)Reframing the design of context-aware computing., , , и . BCS HCI, стр. 52-57. ACM, (2011)Acoustic auto-encoders for biodiversity assessment., , , и . Ecol. Informatics, (2021)Analyzing Big Environmental Audio with Frequency Preserving Autoencoders., , , и . e-Science, стр. 70-79. IEEE, (2021)Query Processing the Heterogeneous Information Sources using Ontology-based Approach., , , и . CATA, стр. 438-441. ISCA, (2003)Crocodile Language Friend: Tangibles to Foster Children's Language Use., , , , , , и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 1-14. ACM, (2020)Designing Participatory Sensing with Remote Communities to Conserve Endangered Species., , и . CHI, стр. 664. ACM, (2019)The Adventures of Older Authors: Exploring Futures through Co-Design Fictions., , , , и . CHI, стр. 358. ACM, (2019)Co-designing technologies for citizen scientist engagement & saving species., , , и . OZCHI, стр. 651-653. ACM, (2017)