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Adsorption Pad using Capillary Force for Uneven Surface., , , , , , , , and . ICRA, page 3692-3697. IEEE, (2019)Automated initial setup method for two-fingered micro hand system., , , , and . IROS, page 3271-3276. IEEE, (2009)Automated stable grasping with two-fingered microhand using micro force sensor., , , , , and . ICRA, page 2771-2776. IEEE, (2013)Towards high-speed automated micromanipulation., , , , , and . ICRA, page 1718-1723. IEEE, (2013)Modified social force model with face pose for human collision avoidance., , , , and . HRI, page 215-216. ACM, (2012)Development of end effector for cell manipulation with two-fingered micro-hand., , , , and . MHS, page 399-401. IEEE, (2012)High speed micromanipulation system with multi-scalability., , , , and . ROBIO, page 1212-1217. IEEE, (2011)Adaptive gait for dynamic rotational walking motion by ASTERISK., , , , and . ROBIO, page 68-73. IEEE, (2011)Cell coupling system for somatic cell cloning using microfluidic chip., , , , , , , and . ROBIO, page 165-170. IEEE, (2009)Simple method for generating dynamic object map., , , , and . ROBIO, page 1767-1772. IEEE, (2008)