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An efficient test vector compression technique based on block merging.. ISCAS, IEEE, (2006)A new collaborative scheme of test vector compression based on equal-run-length coding (ERLC)., и . CSCWD, стр. 21-25. IEEE, (2009)An efficient test relaxation technique for combinational circuits based on critical path tracing., и . ICECS, стр. 461-465. IEEE, (2002)Delay-fault testability preservation of the concurrent decomposition and factorization transformations., и . VTS, стр. 15-21. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)Using input/output queues to increase LDPC decoder performance., , и . AICCSA, стр. 304-308. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)New Technique for Improving Performance of LDPC Codes in the Presence of Trapping Sets., , и . EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw., (2008)Recent advances in logic synthesis with testability., , и . VTS, стр. 254-256. IEEE Computer Society, (1992)Optimization of FPGA-based CNN Accelerators Using Metaheuristics., , , и . CoRR, (2022)An Efficient Test Relaxation Technique for Combinational & Full-Scan Sequential Circuits., и . VTS, стр. 53-59. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)A Geometric-Primitives-Based Compression Scheme for Testing Systems-on-a-Chip., , и . VTS, стр. 54-61. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)