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Strider Typo-Patrol: Discovery and Analysis of Systematic Typo-Squatting.

, , , , and . SRUTI, USENIX Association, (2006)

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Strider Search Ranger: Towards an Autonomic Anti-Spam Search Engine., and . ICAC, page 32. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Towards a Self-Managing Software Patching Process Using Black-Box Persistent-State Manifests., , , , , and . ICAC, page 106-113. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Post-rank reordering: resolving preference misalignments between search engines and end users., , and . CIKM, page 641-650. ACM, (2009)ONE-IP: Techniques for Hosting a Service on a Cluster of Machines., , , , and . Comput. Networks, 29 (8-13): 1019-1027 (1997)Distributed Recovery with K-Optimistic Logging., , and . ICDCS, page 60-67. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)TrueLabel + Confusions: A Spectrum of Probabilistic Models in Analyzing Multiple Ratings., and . ICML, / Omnipress, (2012)A uniform approach to software and hardware fault tolerance., , and . PDP, page 409-416. IEEE, (1993)Gatekeeper: Monitoring Auto-Start Extensibility Points (ASEPs) for Spyware Management., , , , , , and . LISA, page 33-46. USENIX, (2004)Automatic Misconfiguration Troubleshooting with PeerPressure., , , , and . OSDI, page 245-258. USENIX Association, (2004)Communication-Induced Checkpointing Protocols and Rollback-Dependency Trackability: A Survey., and . Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (2008)