Author of the publication

STRIDER: A Black-box, State-based Approach to Change and Configuration Management and Support.

, , , , , , and . LISA, page 159-172. USENIX, (2003)

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Diagnosis and Correction of Logic Design Errors in Digital Circuits., , and . DAC, page 503-508. ACM Press, (1993)Strider Typo-Patrol: Discovery and Analysis of Systematic Typo-Squatting., , , , and . SRUTI, USENIX Association, (2006)Automated known problem diagnosis with event traces., , , , , , and . EuroSys, page 375-388. ACM, (2006)Classifying and alleviating the communication overheads in matrix computations on large-scale NUMA multiprocessors., , and . J. Syst. Softw., 44 (1): 17-29 (1998)PeerPressure for automatic troubleshooting., , , , and . SIGMETRICS, page 398-399. ACM, (2004)Lazy Checkpointing Coordination for Bounding Rollback Propagation., and . SRDS, page 78-85. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)Combining High Level Symptom Descriptions and Low Level State Information for Configuration Fault Diagnosis., , , and . LISA, page 151-158. USENIX, (2004)STRIDER: A Black-box, State-based Approach to Change and Configuration Management and Support., , , , , , and . LISA, page 159-172. USENIX, (2003)Managing the Aladdin Home Networking System: An Experience Report.. SEUS, page 25-29. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Towards Dependable Home Networking: An Experience Report., , , , and . DSN, page 43-48. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)