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Hybrid wavelet - DCT intra prediction for H.264/AVC interactive encoder., , , , и . ChinaSIP, стр. 281-285. IEEE, (2014)A LoRa Based Reliable and Low Power Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Communication Architecture., , , и . iSES, стр. 177-182. IEEE, (2020)Securing a Vehicle Fleet Management Through Blockchain and Internet of Things., , , и . iSES, стр. 151-154. IEEE, (2020)Packet Drop and RSSI Evaluation for LoRa: An Indoor Application Perspective., , , и . WF-IoT, стр. 913-914. IEEE, (2021)Speech Emotion Recognition using Supervised Deep Recurrent System for Mental Health Monitoring., , , , , и . WF-IoT, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2022)Vulnerable C/C++ code usage in IoT software systems., , , , и . WF-IoT, стр. 348-352. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Data-Driven Short-Term Load Forecasting for Multiple Locations: An Integrated Approach., , , , и . Big Data Cogn. Comput., 8 (2): 12 (Februar 2024)Using Internet of Vehicle Technology for Decreased Medical Response Times., , , , и . ICSDE, стр. 27-32. ACM, (2018)Vulnerability Analysis of Interdependent Critical Infrastructures upon a Cyber-attack., , и . HICSS, стр. 1-10. ScholarSpace, (2019)VXorPUF: A Vedic Principles - Based Hybrid XOR Arbiter PUF for Robust Security in IoMT., , , и . IFIPIoT (2), том 684 из IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, стр. 246-261. Springer, (2023)