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INXS: Bridging the throughput and energy gap for spiking neural networks., , и . IJCNN, стр. 2451-2459. IEEE, (2017)OS execution on multi-cores: is out-sourcing worthwhile?, , и . ACM SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev., 43 (2): 104-105 (2009)VAULT: Reducing Paging Overheads in SGX with Efficient Integrity Verification Structures., , и . ASPLOS, стр. 665-678. ACM, (2018)Memory bandwidth reservation in the cloud to avoid information leakage in the memory controller., , , , , , и . HASP@ISCA, стр. 11:1-11:5. ACM, (2014)Staged Reads: Mitigating the impact of DRAM writes on DRAM reads., , , , и . HPCA, стр. 41-52. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Secure DIMM: Moving ORAM Primitives Closer to Memory., , , и . HPCA, стр. 428-440. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Buses and Crossbars., и . Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing, Springer, (2011)Innovations in the Memory System. Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture Morgan & Claypool Publishers, (2019)Optimizing NUCA Organizations and Wiring Alternatives for Large Caches with CACTI 6.0., , и . MICRO, стр. 3-14. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Leveraging 3D Technology for Improved Reliability., и . MICRO, стр. 223-235. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)