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Method to assess the impact of LER and spacing variation on BEOL dielectric reliability using 2D-field simulations for <20nm spacing., , , , , и . IRPS, стр. 10-1. IEEE, (2018)Methodology for extracting the characteristic capacitances of a power MOSFET transistor, using conventional on-wafer testing techniques., , , и . ESSDERC, стр. 221-225. IEEE, (2012)Exploring the Reliability Limits for the Z-Pitch Scaling of Molybdenum Inter-Word Line Oxides in 3D NAND., , , , , , , , , и . IRPS, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2024)LER and spacing variability on BEOL TDDB using E-field mapping: Impact of field acceleration., , , , , и . Microelectron. Reliab., (2017)A Novel System-Level Physics-Based Electromigration Modelling Framework: Application to the Power Delivery Network., , , , и . SLIP, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2021)A pragmatic network-aware paradigm for system-level electromigration predictions at scale., , , и . IRPS, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2023)De-Coupling Thermo-Migration from Electromigration Using a Dedicated Test Structure., , , , , , , , и . IRPS, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2024)Impact of process variability on BEOL TDDB lifetime model assessment., , , , и . IRPS, стр. 5. IEEE, (2015)Metodi e strumentazione per la caratterizzazione di interconnessioni VLSI.. University of Pisa, Italy, (2001)Challenges for Interconnect Reliability: From Element to System Level., , , , и . ISPD, стр. 106. ACM, (2023)