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A Practical Threshold Test Generation for Error Tolerant Application., , , и . IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 93-D (10): 2776-2782 (2010)An Empirical Approach to RTL Scan Path Design Focusing on Structural Interpretation in Logic Synthesis., , , и . ITC-Asia, стр. 55-60. IEEE, (2019)A Design of Reliable Linear FSMs with Equivalent States in Stochastic Computing., , и . DFT, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Channel Width Test Data Compression under a Limited Number of Test Inputs and Outputs., , , и . VLSI Design, стр. 329-334. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Dynamic Test Compression Using Statistical Coding., , , и . Asian Test Symposium, стр. 143-. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Test Compression Based on Lossy Image Encoding., , , и . Asian Test Symposium, стр. 273-278. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)On Test Generation with A Limited Number of Tests., , и . Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, стр. 12-15. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)On Accuracy Enhancement of No-Reference Error-Tolerability Testing for Images in Object Detection Applications Based on RGB Channel Characteristics., , , и . ITC-Asia, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2024)State assignment for fault tolerant stochastic computing with linear finite state machines., , , и . ITC-Asia, стр. 156-161. IEEE, (2017)An Improvement of the No-Reference Test Scheme Based on False Edge Detection for Image Processing Application., , и . ITC-Asia, стр. 90-95. IEEE, (2022)