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Self-learning system of facial expression for intelligent robot through interaction with human., , и . CIRA, стр. 1233-1238. IEEE, (2003)An experiment of azimuth ambiguity suppression by multiple receiver apertures with airborne Ku-band synthetic aperture radar., , , , , , , и . IGARSS, стр. 1661-1664. IEEE, (2013)A Lock Opening and Closing System with the Image Base Using a Cellular Phone through the Internet., , и . ICMI, том 1948 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 557-563. Springer, (2000)Stereo Reconstruction through Disparity Space., , , и . MVA, стр. 143-146. (1990)Rendering Music Performance With Interpretation Variations Using Conditional Variational RNN., , и . ISMIR, стр. 855-861. (2019)A Proposal of Generalized Horizon View Camera., , и . MVA, стр. 61-64. (2007)MAP: Multi-angled parallelism for feature extraction from topographical maps., , , и . Pattern Recognit., 24 (6): 479-488 (1991)Fractal - based analysis of 3D natural shapes and its application to terrain modeling., , и . Syst. Comput. Jpn., 19 (9): 101-113 (1988)Motion tracking of deformable objects based on energy minimization using multiscale dynamic programming., , и . ICPR (1), стр. 83-86. IEEE, (1992)Automatic seal verification using three-dimensional reference seals., , , и . ICPR, стр. 199-203. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)