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Abstraction Mechanisms in Hypertext.. Hypertext, стр. 375-395. ACM, (1987)Hypertext and Software Engineering., , , , и . Hypertext, стр. 395-396. ACM, (1989)Towards generic application auto-discovery., , , , , и . NOMS, стр. 75-87. IEEE, (2000)MUDABlue: An Automatic Categorization System for Open Source Repositories., , , и . APSEC, стр. 184-193. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Process programming by hindsight.. ISPW, стр. 62-64. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)WebMon: A Performance Profiler for Web Transactions., , , и . WECWIS, стр. 171-176. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Selected, annotated bibliography on process-centered software engineering environments., и . ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes, 19 (2): 18-21 (1994)Visualization of Large Web Access Data Sets., , , , и . VisSym, стр. 201-204. Eurographics Association, (2002)Visualizing multiattribute Web transactions using a freeze technique., , , , и . Visualization and Data Analysis, том 5009 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 153-159. SPIE, (2003)The SMART Approach for Software Process Engineering., , , , и . ICSE, стр. 341-350. IEEE Computer Society / ACM Press, (1994)