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Manufacturing Application-Driven Foveated Near-Eye Displays., , , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 25 (5): 1928-1939 (2019)Optimal surface reconstruction from planar contours., , and . SIGGRAPH, page 236. ACM, (1977)Steerable application-adaptive near eye displays., , , , , , , and . SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, page 17:1-17:2. ACM, (2018)VR@50: celebrating ivan sutherland's 1968 head-mounted 3D display system., , , , , and . SIGGRAPH Panels, ACM, (2018)Experimental Comparison of 2D and 3D Technology Mediated Paramedic-Physician Collaboration in Remote Emergency Medical Situations., , , , , , and . ASIST, volume 43 of Proc. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., page 1-19. Wiley, (2006)Mobile. Egocentric Human Body Motion Reconstruction Using Only Eyeglasses-mounted Cameras and a Few Body-worn Inertial Sensors., , , , , , and . VR, page 616-625. IEEE, (2021)Simulation-Based Design and Rapid Prototyping of a Parallax-Free, Orthoscopic Video See-Through Head-Mounted Display., , and . ISMAR, page 28-31. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Computational augmented reality eyeglasses., and . ISMAR, page 29-38. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Augmenting reality for medicine, training, presence and telepresence.. ISMAR, IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Immersive 3D Telepresence., , and . Computer, 47 (7): 46-52 (2014)